School Fundraising: Home Schools Fundraise Too!

Lately, I have found myself talking to several people who home school their kids.  The reasons behind their decision to do this are all different, but I say more power to them!  Just because someone home schools kids doesn’t mean they don’t need to fundraise for extras! When you think of home schooling what do you […]

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School Fundraising: So Many Questions

It doesn’t matter if you’re talking pre-school, elementary, middle, high school or college.  If you are in transition and moving your kid from one level to the next, you are likely a parent full of questions.  I know I have always asked a lot of questions.  In college, I got the nickname Lady Askalot/MAG (because I […]

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School Fundraising: The Guilt & Judgment of a Mom Part 1

I don’t know one mom who doesn’t feel guilty or judged about something regarding their kids, school fundraising or volunteering at school.  Whether it’s plopping them in front of a television show for 30 minutes (or longer) or missing their first word or that big dance recital.  Guilt and judgment go together like peanut butter and jelly.  I thought those feelings would […]

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School Fundraising: The College Ask

Do you think school fundraising is limited to elementary schools?  Nope.  The other day I was talking to a friend of mine whose kids have both left for college.  She’s an empty nester (the idea is COMPLETELY foreign to me), and she was telling me that while she did her share of school fundraising when […]

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School Fundraising: Be Brave

  Think back to your first days at your kid’s school. For me, it was so big and overwhelming that I had to be brave just walking up the ramp that first day of Kindergarten.  I didn’t know where to go and what to do.  I didn’t know a lot of parents – only the […]

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