Fundraising in Corporate America?

Can you imagine fundraising in Corporate America the way you did in elementary school?  Sure, the cause is different, but there are a lot more companies in Corporate America that are looking at employee engagement and want to support things that are important to their employees.  Companies like Google, Tom’s Shoes, Hulu, Edmunds and Zappos […]

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How Do You Find Your Confidence?

Growing up, I didn’t have a lot of confidence.  I think maybe that’s why I am so adamant that my girls always speak up. They are both much stronger than I ever was at their ages.  My dad tried to give me tools, but he’d (unintentionally) give with one hand, and take from the other.  I […]

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How Do You Decide Whom to Give To?

We all know it’s important to give, but how do you decide whom to give to?  There are always so many organizations that are vying for our money.  Do we give to the local children’s hospital? What about national philanthropic programs that do incredible work? Or the city conservancy that promotes and protects architecture and […]

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How Much is Credibility Worth?

The question of credibility has come up with me a lot lately.  How much is credibility worth?  A LOT!  It’s everything to me.  I have NEVER sold out or promoted a company in order to get some sort of “kick back.”  To me, it just isn’t worth it.  My whole reason for writing A Mom’s […]

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