Fundraising in Corporate America?

Can you imagine fundraising in Corporate America the way you did in elementary school?  Sure, the cause is different, but there are a lot more companies in Corporate America that are looking at employee engagement and want to support things that are important to their employees.  Companies like Google, Tom’s Shoes, Hulu, Edmunds and Zappos […]

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The Trouble with Ideas People?

Ideas are great.  I don’t want to imply that ideas should be buried and we should only do the same old fundraising over and over again.  We shouldn’t.  But imagine this:  You’re running an event for your kid’s school and someone comes to the meeting and shares an idea.  The idea is good — maybe even […]

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Volunteering: 3 Tips to Combat Stress

Does the thought of volunteering make your stress alert go on?  Anyone who says there is no stress in volunteering has CLEARLY not been involved with school fundraising!  I know so many people all over the country who have volunteered to chair an event or parent organization, only to be berated and mistreated to the point […]

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Volunteering: What Motivates You?

When it comes to volunteering, what motivates you?  The answers are as different as the people who generously donate their time. Some do it for their kids, others do it to make the school a better place, and some are looking for ways to meet new people. Some may even volunteer out of a sense […]

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