I see it all the time. We all make comparisons. As parents, we may compare our kid to another in the classroom or on the field. At school, we keep track of how we did with our fundraising compared to the school down the street. In business, we compare ourselves to competitors too. But Marie Forleo taught me that there is no reason to compare. There is enough business out there for everyone and the worst thing we can do is compare ourselves to others. It’s like comparing apples to oranges.
Last week, a friend emailed her frustration with others’ success. “Why can’t I have the success that XYZ has?” The answer, I think, is to stop comparing yourself to them. I told her to be happy for the success they have found and then look for ways to make your business successful too….without comparing!
I know it happens to our kids too! Emily notices when someone else gets a higher score on a test. Sometimes she may think she’s the only one who struggles with a concept, but she doesn’t REALLY know. She just assumes. Why assume with all that negativity? Isn’t it possible that another kid studied more? Maybe they have a tutor? We never know the whole story…just what is put out there for us to see.
If that’s the case, why not put out as much positivity as you can?
It reminded me of when we tried to get lottery tickets to see the Broadway show, Wicked a few years ago. People show up two and a half hours early to put their name in a box and you stand with 100+ people waiting to see how many names they will call for discounted tickets. I tried to tell my kids to stay positive and not be sad if the name called isn’t ours. Instead, I told them to be HAPPY for the people who got their name called. It’s putting out that positive vibe that sometimes helps. Sure enough, as we cheered for each and every person who won tickets that day, our name was called, and Emily got to see the show!
That was the best lesson I could teach her that day. I love it when it works like that, don’t you?
Do you have a story to share with me about comparisons? Positivity? Go to the comments and let me know. Also, if you haven’t had a chance to sign up for my weekly newsletter, do that too! It’s so easy! Go here! —————————————————-> I promise no spam!
To your success!
Sarah is a native Los Angeleno with the heart of a Chicagoan. She loves A Cappella music, cooking, and swing dancing. When she’s not helping raise money for schools, sports teams and clubs, she is hanging out with and loving life with her husband and girls. For more information about what she does professionally, check out www.amomsguidetoschoolfundraising.com