Have you ever been on the receiving end of a pay it forward at Starbucks? Somewhere else? It’s a great thing to be able to make someone else’s day. It doesn’t have to be something big.
It can be a random act of kindness.
I have been feeling stressed lately. Middle School applications are all in and we are waiting to see where Emily will go. Luckily, she isn’t feeling anxious — just me and her dad have that privilege. I feel like I have been tired, constantly fighting (traffic, kids, the status quo) and watching people lose their temper (ok, sometimes it’s me, and other times it’s AT me) and mostly asking myself, “why are you trying so hard to make things better, when everyone is fine with things the way they are?” It’s enough to make me want to hide under the covers!
Today as I walked to school with my kids, I saw this sign on the lamppost. Someone took the time to print up these signs and post them in the neighborhood. As parents walked by, some noticed the sign and smiled and others didn’t — already caught up in the craziness that their week would hold. There were others, though, that stopped to look and take a positive thought. Seeing that sign and pulling down a positive message gave me hope. Our world gets hectic and crazy and sometimes people can be mean, but if you can take the time to look up and pay attention, you may find a compliment or positive message to take with you to carry you through your day.
The next time I start to feel frustrated with my kids or traffic or any number of things that can send my blood pressure boiling, I can think about that sign. Think about the good feelings it gave to people who may have needed it — including me. I don’t know who did it, but I hope they do more of them and it catches like wild fire!
What can you do to bring some positive energy to your world? Share with me in the comments and don’t forget to share it on Facebook too! Also, if you haven’t had a chance to sign up for my weekly newsletter, do that too! It’s so easy! Go here! ————————-> I promise no spam!
To your success!
Sarah is a native Los Angeleno with the heart of a Chicagoan. She loves A Cappella music, cooking, and swing dancing. When she’s not helping raise money for schools, sports teams and clubs, she is hanging out with and loving life with her husband and girls. For more information about what she does professionally, check out www.amomsguidetoschoolfundraising.com