Parents of sports kids not only have to contend with regular school fundraising, but their sports teams need fundraising help too! I know it isn’t limited to sports, but I was talking to a soccer mom last week who admitted that she hated fundraising. Most parents do. But I have found some ways to make that fundraising easier and MUCH less stressful! You don’t have to sell chocolate bars or cookie dough or even put on a car wash to make the money you need for the team. If you don’t already know, my favorite way to fundraise is The Party Book. Click that link to learn more about what it is. I know I have spoken its praises many times on this blog, but I am sharing it with you today because I have created The Party Book Kit! This kit will help you with all you need to create a fantastic party book (hosts not included), so that you can raise the money you need for uniforms, away games, scholarships and all those incidentals that crop up throughout the season!
This fundraiser works well for big schools and small, and also can work for a team with at least 8 – 12 families. If you have each family host a party one time during the year, who knows how much money you could raise! It’s limitless! If you can get your community involved, even better! We asked a local florist to host a flower arranging class. They charged $15 for supplies that night, and we charged $35 — 100% of that fee went to our non profit. People walked out of the class with two floral arrangements, worth well over $50 and we raised over $350. Not bad for a two hour party, right? There’s no hassle or stress and no big volunteer job that takes hours of your time and leaves you exhausted! That’s what I call smart fundraising!
I have been using The Party Book at my kids’ school for the past three years, and I have put all of my knowledge and insight from over 10 years of fundraising into this kit so that you can benefit from my experience. I will show you:
You also get customizeable letters so you can personalize each email that you send out. The Party Book Kit will allow you to have fun and make money for your team at the same time! These tools in the kit are invaluable!
You can check out and purchase The Party Book Kit by clicking on the link. Right now, the kit is being offered at an introductory price of $79.00. It will go up. This introductory offer is the best deal you’ll get, and your return on investment will amaze you.
I cannot recommend The Party Book Kit highly enough. As you know, I would NEVER offer anything to you that was less than great. If this seems interesting to you and you want to have a less stressful time with your fundraising, take a look at this offer.
If you need more hands-on help with your fundraising, I am also available for consultations.
Now I’d like to ask for two favors: (1) If you know of another person who may need help with their fundraising, please send this to them. (2) After you purchase and have had a chance to use the Party Book Kit, I’d love to know what you think! Shoot me an email at and let me know!
To your success,
Sarah has been fundraising for schools since 2008. She is the author of A Mom’s Guide to School Fundraising and has consulted for several schools and clubs. She has been featured on, Scholastic: Parent & Child and The New York Times. She thinks all kids should be able to have a well-rounded education, team uniforms, instruments and support. Don’t you?
Photo credit: unclejerrystees