A Simple Pay It Forward

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a pay it forward at Starbucks?  Somewhere else? It’s a great thing to be able to make someone else’s day.  It doesn’t have to be something big. It can be a random act of kindness. I have been feeling stressed lately.  Middle School applications are all […]

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Community Fundraising: Why Do It?

There are lots of ways to do community fundraising, and getting your community involved with fundraising on any level is so important — both for the school and for the business.    A couple of weeks ago I talked about creating Party Book events to raise money for your organizations; Businesses can be incorporated into […]

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How Do You Avoid Comparisons?

I see it all the time.  We all make comparisons.  As parents, we may compare our kid to another in the classroom or on the field.  At school, we keep track of how we did with our fundraising compared to the school down the street.  In business, we compare ourselves to competitors too.  But Marie […]

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Do you think it’s better to believe?

When we’re kids, we believe in so many things.  Do you think it’s better to believe?  Sure, some may think you’re naive, but to me, I would prefer to bring a little magic and positivity into the world than the harsh reality that life sometimes holds! I remember doing the play Peter Pan in 6th […]

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